Chilenos en astro-ph Agosto 2015

miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2015

Este post ha sido contribución exclusiva de nuestro colaborador Dr. Ricardo Salinas! con paciencia ha buscado entre los muchos correos del arXiv nombres de chilenos y chilenas que han aparecido en el mes pasado. Este Agosto sido un mes con bastante actividad y tenemos muchos buenos trabajos. Si se ha olvidado alguno por favor mandenos la informacion a o twittenos con el hashtag #chileastroph. Y a los autores, si quieren contribuir con un pequeño resumen hagan click aquí. Gracias y a leer!

Papers con primeros autores chilenos(as) 

Mayte Alfaro-Cuello (U. La Serena), Sergio Torres-Flores (ULS), Rodrigo Carrasco (Gemini): "Probing the nature of the pre-merging system Hickson Compact Group 31 through IFU data"

Daniela Olave-Rojas (ULS), Sergio Torres-Flores (ULS), Rodrigo Carrasco (Gemini): "NGC 6845: metallicity gradients and star formation in a complex compact group"

Oscar Gonzalez (ESO), Manuela Zoccali (PUC), Sergio Vasquez (PUC), Dante Minniti (Andrés Bello): "The Giraffe Inner Bulge Survey (GIBS) II. Metallicity distributions and alpha element abundances at fixed Galactic latitude"

Darius Graczyk (Concepcion), Bogumil Pilecki (Concepcion), Alex Gallene (Concepcion): "The Araucaria Project. Precise physical parameters of the eclipsing binary IO Aqr"

Paulina Lira (U Chile), Patricia Arévalo (Valparaíso), Liza Videla (ALMA): "Long-term monitoring of the archetype Seyfert galaxy MCG-6-30-15: X-ray, optical and near-IR variability of the corona, disc and torus"

Dante Minniti (UNAB), Rodrigo Contreras (PUC), Javier Alonso-Garcia (PUC): "VVV Survey Observations of a Microlensing Stellar Mass Black Hole Candidate in the Field of the Globular Cluster NGC 6553"

En co-autoría

Valery Kravtsov (U. Atacama): "Spectrophotometry of asteroids 32 Pomona, 145 Adeona, 704 Interamnia, 779 Nina, 330825, and 2012 QG42 and laboratory study of possible analog samples"

Francisco Pozo Nuñez (Bochum), Angie Barr (UCN), Rolf Chini (UCN): "The Bochum Survey of the Southern Galactic Disk: II. Follow-up measurements and multi-filter photometry for 1323 square degrees monitored in 2010-2015"

Francisco Pozo Nuñez (Bochum), Rolf Chini (UCN): "The stability of the optical flux variation gradient for 3C120"

Leonardo Bronfman (U Chile), Nadia Lo (U Chile): "An ATCA Survey of Sagittarius B2 at 7 mm: Chemical Complexity Meets Broadband Interferometry"

Chris Haines (U Chile): "A Herschel Study of 24 micron-Selected AGNs and Their Host Galaxies"

Luca Sbordone (PUC): "Stellar science from a blue wavelength range - A possible design for the blue arm of 4MOST"

Ricardo Muñoz (U Chile): "Searching for Optical Counterparts to Ultra-compact High Velocity Clouds: Possible Detection of a Counterpart to AGC 198606"

Rodolfo Barbá (ULS): "Broad Balmer Wings in BA Hyper/Supergiants Distorted by Diffuse Interstellar Bands: Five Examples in the 30 Doradus Region from the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey"

Lucas Cieza (UDP): "Young stellar objects in the Gould Belt"

José Luis Prieto (UDP): "Accurate fundamental parameters and distance to a massive early-type eclipsing binary in the Danks 2 cluster"

Timo Anguita (UNAB): "Evidence for two spatially separated UV continuum emitting regions in the Cloverleaf broad absorption line quasar"

Márcio Catelan (PUC): "Stellar Cycles from Photometric Data: CoRoT Stars"

Alfredo Zenteno (CTIO): "Star-Forming Brightest Cluster Galaxies at 0.25 < z < 1.25: A Transitioning Fuel Supply"

Sebastián López (U Chile), Paula Sánchez (U Chile): "A coronagraphic absorbing cloud reveals the narrow-line region and extended Lyman-α emission of QSO J0823+0529"

Nuno Peixinho (Antofagasta): "Spitzer Parallax of OGLE-2015-BLG-0966: A Cold Neptune in the Galactic Disk"

Rodolfo Barbá (ULS): "The little-studied cluster Berkeley 90"

Patricia Tissera (UNAB): "Angular momentum evolution for galaxies in a Λ-CDM scenario"

Tomado de Olave-Rojas+ (1508.05070): Imagen de NGC 6845. Gemini/GMOS  

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