Hola! hemos estado ocupados trabajando en mejoras en el blog. No podemos adelantar mucho pero estamos introduciendo muchas de sus sugerencias! vamos a ir de a poco dandoles a conocer estos cambios. Por mientras, volvemos con una sección 'antigua', la de listar los papers por chilenos en el mes de Febrero 2015. Interesantes papers en todas las areas! si se nos olvida alguno por favor mandenos la informacion a lukayastro@gmail.com o twittenos con el hashtag #chileastroph. Y a los autores, ingresen sus artículos en este link
- nuevos en naranja
Papers con primeros autores chilenos(as)
Jaime E Pineda (ETH Zurich) "The formation of a quadruple star system with wide separation" en Nature (link con abstract, hay que pagar para acceder al articulo)
G. Hajdu, M. Catelan (PUC, MAS)+ “New RR Lyrae variables in binary systems"
Francisco Penaloza+ (Universidad de Valparaiso) "Chemical Abundances of the Highly Obscured Galactic Globular Clusters 2MASS GC02 and Mercer 5"
Zahed Wahhaj (ESO), Lucas A. Cieza (UDP)+ "Improving Signal to Noise in the Direct Imaging of Exoplanets and Circumstellar Disks"
Sander Mooij, Gonzalo A. Palma+ (UChile)
Consistently violating the non-Gaussian consistency relation
A Hardy (UValpo)+ 'The First Science Results from SPHERE: Disproving the Predicted Brown Dwarf around V471 Tau’
Ricardo Salinas (MSU, USA)+ 'Isolated ellipticals and their globular cluster systems III. NGC 2271, NGC 2865, NGC 3962, NGC 4240 and IC 4889’
Sergio Contreras (PUC & Durham, UK), Nelson Padilla (PUC)+ 'The galaxy - dark matter halo connection: which galaxy properties are correlated with the host halo mass?'
Patricia Tisera (UNAB) coautora "Stellar feedback from HMXBs in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations”
Denise Riquelme (MPIFR-Bonn) coautora "Impacts of pure shocks in the BHR71 bipolar outflow"
Javiera Parada (UBC) coautora "A Measurement of Diffusion in 47 Tucanae"
Jose Luis Prieto (Princeton, UDP) co-autor "Light Echoes of Ancient Transients with the Blanco CTIO 4m Telescope"
Felipe Gran (PUC, MAS) coautor "Clustered Cepheid Variables 90 kiloparsec from the Galactic Center"
Yanett Contreras (CSIRO, Australia) coautora 'Tracing the Conversion of Gas into Stars in Young Massive Cluster Progenitors'
Sebastián López (UChile) coautor 'VLT/UVES observations of extremely strong intervening damped Lyman-alpha systems: Molecular hydrogen and excited carbon, oxygen and silicon at log N(HI)=22.4'
Claudia Lagos (ESO Garching) coautora 'Predictions for the abundance and colours of galaxies in high redshift clusters in hierarchical models'
Valentino Gonzalez (UC Riverside, USA) coautor 'A Spectroscopic Redshift Measurement for a Luminous Lyman Break Galaxy at z=7.730 using Keck/MOSFIRE’
Ricardo Salinas (MSU, USA), coautor '1FGL J1417.7-4407: A gamma-ray bright binary with a massive neutron star and a giant secondary'
Patricia Arévalo (UValpo), Franz Bauer (PUC) coutores 'Determining the covering factor of Compton-thick active galactic nuclei with NuSTAR'
Paulina Lira (UChile), Patricia Arévalo coautoras 'The largest Swift AGN monitoring campaign: UV/optical variability in NGC 5548'
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de ArXiv:1502.01627 Peñaloza el al.: cumulos globulares en la Galaxia, y los investigados en el paper. |
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